To: Congress

Tell Congress to fund programs that boost families!

Dear Member of Congress,

The U.S. budget is a reflection of the country’s priorities and values. We ask that you build on President Biden’s FY2025 budget proposal and vote to support full and robust funding of programs that boost our children, families, businesses, and economy including:

- Care economy programs, including $500 billion for paid family and medical leave, $14.6 billion for pre-K and child care, and $150 billion in care for the aging and people with disabilities;
- Nutrition assistance, including fully funding WIC and SNAP;
- $16.48 billion for Head Start and $38 billion for K-12 education;
- Health care for families including robust funding for maternal health care and mental health care;
- Women's health research and innovation; and
- Protection for all reproductive health programs


Why is this important?

I was teaching when I had my daughter, and I was completely stressed out about finances because the district me and my husband worked for didn't offer any paid family medical leave or maternal/paternal leave. We were lucky to have our daughter when schools were online because instead of taking a loss in income to bond with and care for her, we went back to work the day after having her. Parents should not be forced to make those kind of sacrifices anywhere, let alone this country.

Now that our daughter is older, I spend at least 2 hours driving every day to drop her off and pick her up from daycare. There is not a single childcare center within 17 miles of us listed on the NM ECECD website with openings, so I drive to one of the closest centers I could find every day. Families need affordable, accessible childcare, and workers at those centers need to be paid a living wage that honors their committments to families and helping us love and care for our babies.

President Biden has listened to the voices of moms and families and is planning to make major positive investments in his FY2025 budget, including child care, paid family and medical leave, the Child Tax Credit, maternal health programs, and mental health care, and other programs to give families the tools they need to work and thrive. These policies will also lift the economy. Now we need the U.S. Congress to take action!
Rio Rancho, NM, USA

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